
Teaching Tools

Whether teaching online, on campus, or virtually, Blackboard and its integrated applications should be a part of your teaching toolkit. Please visit our Blackboard Start of Term Setup page for details about GPS Blackboard course sites, Blackboard “how-to guides” for faculty, and additional information on other teaching tools that are integrated with Blackboard (i.e., Zoom, Gradescope).

star that says 'new' Video in Online Courses

star that says 'new' Blackboard Base Navigation How-To Guides

Trainings and Workshops

GPS supports the design, development, and facilitation of online courses at UMass Lowell. In addition to working with instructors one-on-one with the development of new online courses, we offer workshops that cover topics related to online course design and online teaching (check out recordings of Previous Workshops >>). We also host drop-in sessions and provide technical training and support for all instructors using GPS Blackboard.

Faculty Resources

Please click on the Faculty Resources dropdown above to find answers to questions you may have about your teaching in GPS.  The following link: getting started teaching with GPS provides the link for acknowledging your teaching assignment for each semester you teach, as well as instructions on where to send your syllabus and resume. You can also find information about ordering textbooks, how to submit a grade change, request permission numbers for students , and information on submitting an Academic Services Referral for a student.

Technical and Online Course Support

The GPS Online Learning and Faculty Development Team are here to help with online course design and development support, and online teaching with Blackboard issues.